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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


В начало » Education » Middle School

Writing Numbers Part 2

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in context. Given the English language version of a number (e.g. one thousand sixty-five and nine tenths) students must type in the numeral (e.g. 1065.9).

Triangle Types

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in context. Students classify triangles based on sides and angles.

Slot Machine Clinic

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in context. Students calculate the probability of three different types of outcomes on a slot machine: three apples, at least one apple, or no apples.

Pizza Party Puzzles

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in context. Students use hints to find what fraction of a pizza was eaten by each of five party-goers.

Linear Systems Beams

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in context. Students manipulate weights on two balance beams to solve two simultaneous equations.

$1.64 Puzzle

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in context. Students must place four quarters, four dimes, four nickels, and four pennies on a 4 by 4 grid so that the rows and columns sum to given values.

Evaluating Crossnumber Puzzles

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program. Students solve crossnumber puzzles by evaluating simple expressions. Program uses only positive integers.

Number Line

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in context. Students locate points on a number line. Problems deal with fractions, decimals, square roots, and/or absolute values.

Box & Whiskers Drill

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in context. Students use sets of data to construct on-screen box and whisker plots.

Adding Three Fractions

Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in context. Students addone of two types of problems: ruler fractions (halves, fourths, eighths, sixteenths) or regular fractions.

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Тему не выбирают. В том и состоит секрет шедевра, что тема есть отражение темперамента писателя.
Г. Флобер


Посетитель зоопарка смотрит, как служитель кормит мя-
сом льва.
-- Скажите, а может лев съесть сразу 5 килограммов мяса?
-- Может.
-- А десять?
-- Запросто.
-- Ну, а 20 килограммов?
-- Съесть-то съест, да кто ему даст?


Скоро в госдуме "Яблоку" будет негде упасть, а Жириновскому сесть

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