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Delphi components  


  Версия: V.1
Автор:Advanced Communication
Скачать Цена:$149


The component allows you to perform retrieve and delete mail messages from any standard IMAP4 server, which compiles with RFC 2060, via a web page and offer much advanced functionality that IMAP4 server supports. Access to the component can also be turned on at website basis like all other ASPFusion components. AdvIMAP4 is much more advanced component for mail access protocol IMAP4. The component exposes message headers via properties and handles quoted-printable and base64 decoding file attachments and embedded images also. It provides these operations. Complete server side mailbox management, such as Create, Delete, Rename, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Check, Close, Examine, Select, List, Lsub and Status. Retrieve mail messages from any mailbox using message sequence numbers and UIDs and also can sort the messages in given ascending and descending criteria. It provides an advanced search mechanism, which can search any mailbox for messages on given search criteria. Mail messages can be copied from one mailbox to any other mailbox using their sequence numbers or UIDs. Messages status can be changed manually. It also provides Download and DownloadAs operations. Download operation allows downloading a file to client browser with actual file name and DownloadAs operation allows downloading a file to client browser with specified name. These operations can be used to download attachments to client machine.



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